HELP - Emergency Preparedness

4th Tues of each month

6:00 PM

The Hau'ula Emergency Leadership Program (HELP) is a volunteer committee that meets once every month to encourage and support emergency preparedness in the community. Topics discussed include preparedness for community hazards, Neighborhood Block Captain program, CERT training, family disaster planning, ham radio communications and many other disaster related topics. Please join us and help prepare your family and community.

@ Hauula Community Center

Neighborhood Block

Captain Program

In case of a disaster, the Block Captain’s first responsibility is to his/her safety and the safety of his/her family and home. Only if there is time, the Block Captain’s role is to initiate pre-arranged procedures within their neighborhood, including checking on neighbors, especially those with special needs and disseminating information received from the Hau'ula Community Association Community Communications Center (CCC). The Block Captain is responsible for gathering information about the residents on their block and providing a summary to the CCC. This information will be communicated to first responders and CERT Teams as needed.

CERT - Emergency Prep

Sep 14th, 28th, and Oct 12th

8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is a FREE training that is offered to help you protect yourself, your family, your neighbors and your neighborhood in an emergency situation. CERT is a practical approach to emergency and disaster situations where people may initially be on their own. While people will respond to others in need without the training, one goal of the CERT program is to help you do so safely without placing yourself in unnecessary danger.

After you have the training you are encouraged (not mandatory) to join a CERT Team composed of dedicated volunteers just like you. CERT members will not self-deploy to incidents. But, will only deploy when requested by the Hau'ula Community Association Community Communications Center (CCC). Take the training and learn more about how you can help yourself, your family and your community.

@ Hauula Community Center (Sept) &

@ Diamond Head (Oct)

Hau`ula Ham

Radio Group

Learn more about how you can become an amateur radio operator to help keep our community connected during disasters that cut off communications. We are connected through Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) and participate in exercises and weekly check-ins. Once you have your license you can be part of the group. Attend the monthly HELP meeting to find out more about how you can get your license.

HIEMA - HHARP 2.0 Empowering Community

Date and Time TBA


Location TBA

Windward Resilience HUB Alliance

Join us for the Windward Resilience HUB Alliance event, where we're pioneering a network of resilience hubs across Windward Oahu. Together, we're forging connections, sharing resources, and empowering our communities to thrive in the face of challenges. Be part of this transformative initiative as we build a resilient future, one hub at a time.


Ko`olauloa Resilience Alliance


Discover the Ko`olauloa Resilience Alliance: where nonprofits and businesses join forces to prepare for emergencies. Join us in building a resilient community today.